INSPIRE-5Gplus Deliverable on Current Status and Future Trends of 5G Security

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The recently published INSPIRE-5Gplus Deliverable D2.1, “5G Security – Current Status and Future Trends”, describes the current security landscape of 5G networks and the evolution of trends in 5G networks regarding their security and requirements.

In 5G networks, the security threat vector will be expanded even more than before. The exposure of new connected industrial devices and connected critical services will significantly increase the entry points for threat actors. However, the growing concern of citizens on how their data and information can be protected in such an interconnected world is pushing the innovation for novel, robust security and privacy-centric applications.

The deliverable includes:

  • A summary of the 5G threat landscape, the 5G networks classification criteria and their threat taxonomy;
  • A description of security requirements of 5G networks, divided into domain-specific use cases, and the elicitation of security requirements from relevant stakeholders in 5G;
  • The current status of 5G networks, the solutions state for securing 5G systems, the standardization effort in the domain of 5G security, the relevant 5G projects, and open source initiatives;
  • A description of future trends and technologies in 5G networks, their limitations and gaps related to the security of 5G networks.

Deliverable D2.1 provides the basis for the future work of INSPIRE-5Gplus by facilitating the identification of use cases and the development of 5G security enablers.

INSPIRE-5Gplus Deliverable D2.1 – PDF for download

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